#COVID19Chronicles-303: February 4, 2021-Breaking the chain-can Republican politicians decide what is right?

I often state that I have a poor opinion of many politicians–I call them craven–so, I’ll bend a little just to note a bit of what is often unusual about politicians–take a courageous stand of matters of principle. Liz Cheney is doing what many people would see as right–calling out lies and action to provoke violence and undermine the basis of a nation’s political system. But, she was being condemned for doing what would normally be seen a patriotic behaviour. It sums up, in many ways, the existential moral problem that the USA is facing: people who call themselves ‘patriots’ are seemingly hell-bent on destroying the country they say they love.

So, it’s not trivial that the leadership position she held was confirmed last night by her Congressional colleagues:

Her winning vote was 145:61, which is a resounding victory in the context of how representatives voted on the impeachment of Donald Trump, when only 10 were prepared to vote openly for that, including Cheney. This suggests that, behind the scenes, the position she took has much wider support.

But, getting there wasn’t easy, and the vote was the latest clear indication of the fissure that exists in the Republican Party between what we may call ‘Trumpists’ and the normal core of the party:

It’s a time to stand up and be counted for her colleagues, but it’s clear that she is in a far different place than some. She has open support and one of those is Adam Kinzinger:

The face of the other side of the party is another Congressional colleague, Marjorie Taylor Greene, whose name would come up often if you searched for ‘lies, conspiracy theories, QAnon, lunatic’, not the sort of profile you’d think makes for a stable decision-maker, and it seems that as far as her politics is concerned, stability isn’t her strong point, whether it’s stalking survivors of horrific school shootings or repeating calls to assassinate other politicians.

The House leader, Kevin McCarthy had a job to do:

When it mattered most at the moment, the Congressional leader in the House can’t act like Solomon and divide his support. While many want his to censure her by removing her from committees, he’s not there, yet.

Well, the Democrats have the intention to do what McCarty cannot, and will be voting today to effect such committee assignments.

It’s interesting that that political fight has seen lines drawn also between how Republican senators see things, and most notably, Republican (now minority) leader, McConnell wants nothing to do with Greene:

He condemned Greene:

He’s supported Cheney:

Many see what is playing out in Congress as part of the clearer definition of what the Republicans stand for. It’s clear that many who stand with that party are white supremacists, interested in getting and holding onto political power by whatever means possible, and not afraid of inciting violence to get that done. That’s fascism, and the word is appearing more in the main commentaries that come into sight. Most people in Europe and South America will know what they are seeing. Do Americans?

Author: Dennis G Jones (aka 'The Grasshopper')

Retired International Monetary Fund economist. My blog is for organizing my ideas and thoughts about a range of topics. I was born in Jamaica, but spent 30 years being educated, living, and working in the UK. I lived in the USA for two decades, and worked and travelled abroad, extensively, throughout my careers and for pleasure. My views have a wide international perspective. Father of 3 girls. Also, married to an economist. :)

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