Many Jamaicans are nervous. Guess why?-Petchary’s Blog-October 31, 2022

It’s more than ironic that on Halloween, more eyes and minds in Jamaica are focused on what seems to be violence spiralling out of control. The reposted blog by Emma Lewis echoes many feelings and fears. It’s reflected, too, in a similarly reflected column by Dr. Garth Rattray, in today’s Gleaner:

We can speculate where the Jamaican situation may go sooner rather than later. One scary scenario is that things deteriorate to replicate what is now the anarchy in Haiti. That’s a truly terrifying prospect.

This is not a comfortable thing to write about, but I must. Because it is about our everyday life, our way of life. How Jamaicans manage, daily, on this beautiful island. It was Twitter that got me thinking. One tweet recently observed that there is a dark and heavy atmosphere. This, despite the COVID era […]

Many Jamaicans are nervous. Guess why? — Petchary’s Blog

Author: Dennis G Jones (aka 'The Grasshopper')

Retired International Monetary Fund economist. My blog is for organizing my ideas and thoughts about a range of topics. I was born in Jamaica, but spent 30 years being educated, living, and working in the UK. I lived in the USA for two decades, and worked and travelled abroad, extensively, throughout my careers and for pleasure. My views have a wide international perspective. Father of 3 girls. Also, married to an economist. :)

One thought on “Many Jamaicans are nervous. Guess why?-Petchary’s Blog-October 31, 2022”

  1. Frightening indeed. I considered not watching or reading the Jamaican news many times (because of the psychological trauma) and in the end decided that it’s better to be knowledgeable about the day to day horrible situation rather than being in the dark.
    The overall fear is real for many citizens. On my journey from Kingston last night I got very nervous when bikers drew up beside me and when my headlights reflected on parked cars (in the darkness- no street lighting on the highway) along the highway.
    I wonder what do the current government see as the MOST PRESSING ISSUE FOR JAMAICA AT THE MOMENT?
    I will give them a clue: it’s the crime and fragrant disregard for the laws of our country.
    Apart from being regular victims of crime we are loosing sleep as a result of the‘fear of crime’.
    Money and other resources that should have been spent on other entrepreneurial activities for the development of the country are being spent on security and protection of self and properties.
    It is almost the end of another year and yet again it seems the powers that be will be content with the statistics of an increased (over last year) number of killings by guns, killings by road traffic accidents and domestic violence.
    “Devine interventions” WILL NOT help us as some people seem to think.


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