Brexit: Frosty reception of a “done” deal upending a country-April 30, 2022

The UK is learning to ‘live with’ Brexit, much like it’s being asked to “live with” COVID. One problem, though, is that Brexit was a policy position bombarded onto a population, as opposed to some set of natural phenomena. But, both have crept into the lives of Britons with devastating effect. The latest spin of the Brexit wheel is essentially about ministers admitting they bamboozled the electorate. Read on!

First, the delay of border controls:

Next, admissions from the minister who negotiated Brexit that the people were misled:

In a world of properly functioning politics, this would be grounds for the bags getting packed by the leader of government. No such actions, yet. But, on top of other scandals, is this act of political deceit not a straw too many for the political camel to bear?

The cesspit of politics? Britain’s Parliament-April 28, 2022

Last weekend, it was misogyny that was the watchword, by midweek, it was pornography. At other times, it’s been bullying or racism. Where are we? The Houses of Commons, for sure, and maybe Parliament, in general. But, whatever the misdeed, it’s not simple to remove the foul elements under the Westminster system.

Kevin McCarthy opens the wrath of Gaetz-April 27, 2022

One thing is sure, politicians haven’t caught up with the electronic age. Long have gone the days of ‘Deep Throat’ and information handed over in dark and dingy car parks or ‘drop boxes’ in large parks. The Internet and digital media now mean that the blink of an eye-maybe, literally, can send enormous amounts of information to another person, or people, locally or globally. So, if one knows that, the best thing is to be truthful, because the lies will get out and they will be damning.

Enter Kevin McCarthy, Leader of the Republican Caucus in the US House of Representatives. He cried ‘foul’ and ‘lies’, but…Well, let the thread speak for itself, as he spoke for himself about his views on former president Trump and matters to do with the January 6, 2021, insurrection.

Cartoons give a good viewpoint of life-April 26, 2022

I’ve enjoyed some personal refocusing by giving more attention to humourous takes on life’s issues. Cartoons are the easiest to understand, visually, although jokes are good, but sometimes don’t do well in translation:

Macron wins another turn as France’s president:

A humourous take on a common problem on urban areas:

The internal contradictions of some American political posturing:

New waves of COVID spread are putting parts of China, namely Shanghai, into a strong lockdown:

Elon Musk’s pending purchase of Twitter is raising concerns and comment, especially the spectre of a door reopened for former President Trump:

The possibility that Russia’s aims are much wider than Ukraine was noted:

Misogynistic reports about Angela Rayner, MP, were given a subtle pushback:

British PM, Boris Johnson, is still in the eye of a political storm:

Some good historical perspective on the current wave of inflation:

If you’ve not followed some US political events, this may miss you:

Finally, out of time:


Angela Rayner MP mauled by The Mail (or is it ‘male’) on Sunday-Vile!-April 25, 2022

No one should be surprised that misogyny still runs rampant in UK politics and in UK media reporting, but, really, the ‘report’ about Angela Rayner seems both ludicrous and desperate. One should wonder how it got past any reporter’s desk onto the pages of a major newspaper.

After a torrid time dealing with COVID restriction breaches and fines, PM Boris Johnson quickly got on the right side of the nasty report by part of the UK press media:

Most publicized comments from politicians and media personalities have widely condemned the ‘reporting’:

True to form, the Mail went low and lower, into the gutter and beyond into the sewer:

Who knew having poor memories was a political asset?-April 24, 2022

“Memory is a political act. Forgetfulness is the handmaiden of tyranny.”-James Carroll

“I don’t recall” is more readily uttered by politicians than “Let me tell you the truth”. It was on display in Jamaica several years ago over events which happened years before a public enquiry. In the case of former national security minister, Dwight Nelson, time and age could be reasonable excuses:

It’s been on the tip of the tongue of the British PM, over parties he is alleged to have attended that broke COVID restrictions, though he’s preferred apologies and denial:

But what was the plausible excuse for Republican Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene while she was attending a hearing about her suitability to appear on a Georgia ballot? Whatever it is, she invoked it, freely, rather that taking ‘the fifth amendment’.

Perjury charges may yet come:

Few seemed taking in by her claims, including the judge. The record is clear, though:

The Onion made us cry, but we didn’t see why :)-April 23, 2022

When this was posted, it should have been clear…

But, if it wasn’t clear, then, it should have been clearer with this post…

Well, one last chance…

This should have made you suspicious…

Still concerned about the ‘ban’? Read again. Just keep peeling The Onion and dry your tears. 🙂

Boris! Tell us the truth…Some fooled by ‘fulsome’-April 22, 2022

Things have move quickly since PM Boris Johnson was fined £50 last week for COVID restriction breaches. Now, after a few apologies, Parliament will inquire into whether the PM misled it:

Apologies have flowed like rain, and been praised as ‘fulsome’. Oops!

For many critics, they smell blood and see a man not worthy of the high office:

Critics are also coming from within the ruling Tory party:

But, the gig may well be up for BoJo:

Public polls show 4/5 think he lied:

It’s been a long time coming: Maroons apologize to Jamaica-April 21, 2022

Many Jamaicans do not understand the role the Maroons played in suppressing slaves as part of a peace treaty with the British 283 years ago.

The Jamaica Observer notes today in its editorial: ‘Over the long course of history many have blamed the Maroons for their apparent enthusiasm in carrying out the terms of the treaty – mainly in putting down rebellions and forcibly returning escaped slaves to the oppressive conditions on white-owned sugar plantations.’ It adds ‘The most painful of the rebellions put down by the British with the key support of the Maroons were led by Chief Takyi of St Mary in 1760, whose war is said to have inspired the Haitian Revolution that gave the world its first black republic…’

Hopefully, the apology issued by Queen Gloria, on Good Friday, should shed some needed light on that:


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